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Thread: HP LaserJet 4050N: Intermittent 41.03 unexpected paper size error

  1. #1

    Default HP LaserJet 4050N: Intermittent 41.03 unexpected paper size error

    I have researched this problem on this website and found a thread from August, 2010, The thread, at

    says, "you have to remove all the outer panels, separate the top half of the machine from the lower trays, and then remove the top plate covering the lower trays to remove & replace the PCA board."

    I think my problem might be just an intermittent contact somewhere which could be fixed with some DeoxiT D100L contact cleaner.

    I just need to learn how to take the printer apart.

    Can anyone help?

    Thank you,


  2. #2
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    My first thought is that it is a sticking solenoid for the tray 2 pickup assembly, not the paper size pca.
    Site administrator

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ptjeff1 View Post
    My first thought is that it is a sticking solenoid for the tray 2 pickup assembly, not the paper size pca.
    I have been using the printer since the reply, mostly without problems.

    When I change the paper or open the paper tray, I have to turn the printer off first.

    Then I can remove the paper tray and work with the paper as necessary.

    Then I have to get down on my knees and wiggle the three switch fingers on the inside right side of the printer,
    make sure the paper-size projections on the paper tray are properly actuated by moving the back paper stop forward,
    and then slowly reinsert the paper tray.

    When I do that, it works most every time. Once it is working, I never have any more problems.

    So, as I asked originally, how do I remove all the outer panels, separate the top half of the machine from the lower trays,
    and then remove the top plate covering the lower trays to remove & work on the PCA board?



  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by cg View Post
    I have been using the printer since the reply, mostly without problems.

    When I change the paper or open the paper tray, I have to turn the printer off first.

    Then I can remove the paper tray and work with the paper as necessary.

    Then I have to get down on my knees and wiggle the three switch fingers on the inside right side of the printer,
    make sure the paper-size projections on the paper tray are properly actuated by moving the back paper stop forward,
    and then slowly reinsert the paper tray.

    When I do that, it works most every time. Once it is working, I never have any more problems.

    So, as I asked originally, how do I remove all the outer panels, separate the top half of the machine from the lower trays,
    and then remove the top plate covering the lower trays to remove & work on the PCA board?



    If you have the 4050N model (not the 4050TN) it doesn't involve a full disassembly, just a little access panel inside the paper tray cavity. Here's a link to accessing that PCA board -- If cleaning doesn't help you can purchase a replacement PCA and install easily on that model. However, when this board fails it usually says "Load Executive" or similar and won't feed paper at all, not typically a feed and then paper jam like 41.03 error. As Jeff said, 41.03 errors are usually sticking solenoids, which is a full disassembly. You'll need to download a service manual for a repair like that.

    If toggling the plastic fingers help with certain issues, I wouldn't be surprised if you are having issues with both -- the PCA board and the solenoid.
    Last edited by cs_steve; 08-08-2018 at 11:32 AM.

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