View Full Version : HP5P slow printing

04-19-2006, 12:52 PM

I've recently had a crash and had to upgrade my motherboard and processor and reinstall Win XP. When I try to print from a website that uses Adobe, each page load seems to take forever, I notice the same problem with the US Govt. site when downloading forms and instructions etc. Makes real work out of printing 10 or 20 pages. The progress bar (when I hit "Print") zips through the pages (I always thought this was an indication that the pages were then in the buffer), but then the HP sits and blinks for quite some time before each page prints.

I remember having this same problem some years ago (same workhorse printer) and someone in a forum suggested several advanced settings changes that completely solved the problem but I haven't a clue what they were.

I will appreciate any help.
