View Full Version : Is the prob w/the printer or the cartridge?

mott lockwood
02-17-2006, 03:19 PM
Please, my HP Deskjet 672C has begun to print smudges and ink spots on the page, smudged lines at the bottom of letters joining them so that words look sort of underlined. This has become totally unacceptable. I tried removing the cartridge and gently wiping the contact area of the cartridge, but no help.
I am wondering if it could be the cartridge OR do I need to look to a new printer (ouch). Thanks in advance for your efforts to advise.

02-20-2006, 11:32 AM
Check the cleaning station of the printer. There might be a "stalagmite" of ink rubbing the bottom of your cartridge. Remove excess ink from cleaning station. Careful, very messy!! David

mott lockwood
02-21-2006, 11:04 PM
Many thanks, guys, for your advice and support. Good news...

David, I checked out the print station for stalagmites, but didn't see any. From now on I know to keep an eye on that recessed area as you suggested.

Berry, I tried to alter the printer settings, but didn't quite know which ones (?) would be the most appropiate ones. I did end up buying another cartridge at Office Max where they kindly have offerred to take it back if that does not prove to be the problem. With the new cartridge, the print is much better, no smudges, but still some 'underlineling'. I will dicker some more w/ those settings in the hope of completely eliminating the problem.

With your help I believe we have forestalled purchasing a new printer (whew!).
