View Full Version : laserjet 4 toner mess

01-20-2006, 04:18 PM
I have 2 old Hp laserjet 4 Plus printers. One tends to wrinkle the
paper. The other is/was our primary printer until the toner cartridge
started to leak. It leaves toner in piles in the cartridge, on the
rollers and on the paper (in wide verticle streaks). We've cleaned out
the cartridge and printer repeatedly. The same cartridge works fine in
the backup printer. The toner mess used to happen every couple of
months but now will only print a page or two before leaking. Any
ideas? We are willing to canibilize if needed.


01-22-2006, 07:35 AM
Sounds like the fuser is faulty, do a test that while its printing open the lid when paper is half way though the printer and see if there is the same fault there and also this makes sure that the printout is written on the page properly too, if the printout is perfect and no streaks then its the fuser, if same before fuser then you have a bad registration rollers and to replace that is a big job too.

swap the fusers in both printers to see if the problem follows into other printer, if it does then its the fuser in the other printer that is at fault.

you can get new parts for these on ebay or a new fuser from this site.