View Full Version : HP LJ 8150 printer with no display error.

12-12-2005, 12:10 PM
I am currently working on a hplj8150 printer but all I get is blocks on top and lines underneath them on the display paney and it just seats there doing nothing at all I have try removing the jet direct card, also the formater board. The engine test runs jut fine. Any ideas out there?

12-13-2005, 01:49 PM
Try a cold reset.
If that doesn't solve it, you're going to likely need a new formatter.

There is also a change the display panel itself could be faulty.

12-14-2005, 06:24 PM
Please don't replace anything until you find out what is causing the problem, its a waste of time & money. First thing you want to do is check the DIMM's to make sure they are working. Remove any excess DIMM's (you only need the FW DIMM & J10 32MB DIMM) and reseat the FW & J10 DIMM, reseat the formatter & turn on the printer. If the boxes still come up, then its likely the FW DIMM. DIMM placement is important in the 8150! Slot 1 has to be the FW and slot 2 for the J10, anything can go in slot 3 or 4.

Read this document before replacing anything: HP Doc bpl11477 (http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&objectID=bpl11477)