View Full Version : Completely Lost

12-11-2005, 11:54 AM
my lexmark x83 wont print at all. the control panel comes up but never receives status. printer will print test page. printer works on my laptop. have reset printer, reloaded drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled software, rebooted pc, virus scanned, adware removed, disk checked, everything. once the control panel comes up when you hit print nothing happens and you cant get it to respond. you cant close it out or anything. you have to restart pc.please help

12-21-2005, 09:58 AM

This is a long shot, but its possible that you may have to go into the computer's CMOS and set the parrallel port mode to ECP. Its possible that its currently operating in compatable mode, or standard mode. ECP allows for bidirectional comunication between the computer and printer.

Hope this helps!