View Full Version : HP LJ4MV: Paper jams

08-23-2005, 12:19 PM
Seemingly, when the machine is hot the paper does an accordian jam coming off the fuser. One of the pick off fingers seems to be the culprit. After removing the paper I find that one finger misaligned. I can put it right and run more pages, but the problem recurs later at odd and maddening moments.


08-31-2005, 04:04 PM
It sounds like the fuser is the problem and possibly pick up roller and seperation pads could be also a problem
I would check with tech about the fuser may need just the sleeve changed or the whole fuser
This can cost it may not be worth the printer to change.
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If it's just the pad or rollers fairly cheap to replace.
But an accordian issue is 9 times out of 10 a fuser issue.

Good luck