View Full Version : HPLJ 3330 MFP Scanner Error (83300201)

07-08-2005, 09:50 AM
I have a user that is trying to use the scanner feature on his 3330. The image scans in & previews with no problem, but as soon as he goes to save he receives this error:

Unable to perform the current operation (83300201)
I have searched the HP site unsuccessfully for assistance with this error. The closest reference I found was to contact the HP Care Center for an 83300202 error. Needless to say, this printer is not under warranty. If anyone has had any success in diagnosing this error, I would be interested in hearing if &/or how you fixed the problem.

Thank you.

07-08-2005, 10:49 AM
Did you try to reinstall the driver and software?

Did you perform a "stand alone" copy from the HP 3330 MFP?

If the copy works, most likely the scanner has no problems and it is a software issue.

Most companies IT department don't like 3rd parties messing around with their settings.

If its not a hardware problem, I suggest passing the buck to the IT department, or if is okay with the client reinstall first the most recent driver,
if same error, reinstall scanner software.

07-08-2005, 11:00 AM
Thank you for your response.

I have just updated the drivers, but am still suspecting that it is a software issue since the scan will complete, but just won't save. I had a limited time available with the user yesterday so didn't try a standalone copy. But, I will try to arrange time with him next week to investigate further. I will be downloading the most current scanner files as well & see if that resolves the issue. Worst comes to worst, a clean re-install is another option.

A good point about 3rd parties & the IT department, but since I'm one-half of our IT department, I don't think it'll be an issue for me to work on the scanner issue. :D

Thanks again & I'll let you know if I get the beast to work.

07-08-2005, 11:22 AM
its okay, I'm about to smash this HP 3330 MFP i have sitting on my workbench. The red eclamation mark above the cancel button won't stop flashing.

since there is no menu coming up (only HP on LCD, and trying to enter service mode only gives me the firmware version)

HP tech support said replace the formatter, did to no avail...
Now we're gonna have top pay restocking fee to our supplier (thanks HP ;p)

Maybe I should start a new thread on this.

I wish we had the service manual for this printer.

07-08-2005, 11:27 AM
I understand on the frustration for the HP printers & trying to fix them...or trying to FIND a fix for them. I came up with another definition for the MFP acronym...but I'll leave it to you to fill in the blanks. ;)

Anyway, I'll keep you posted (no puns intended) on how my scanner issue goes. Have a great day! It's Friday!