View Full Version : Designjet 4000 + 79:04 error

Big Al
03-07-2013, 02:02 PM
I was trying to get the black heads working a bit better. I soaked them in propylene glycol, injected 2 C.C. of the P/G mix into each head and shook them well. It seems that I got them mixed up because the printer took off into the head alignment routine when it powered up. This went well and it began to set up for the color calibration printout. As soon as the print started it went to a 79:04 error. Never saw this error before. It seems to be a catch-all error. Could be hardware, firmware or something wrong with the print job sent to it. Since it was not hooked to the network it could not be the print job. After some head scratching and hemming and hawing it dawned on me that just when it started to print the Battery Backup unit (UPS to some folks) would beep and the neighbor printer, also plugged into this UPS, would make some noises. Finally I shut the printer down and plugged it directly into the wall. Now all is well once again. I think the batteries in that UPS are getting old. PS: the propylene glycol injection and shaking did help clear the black heads a bit more.

05-15-2013, 12:23 AM
Firmware error