View Full Version : 4250n 4350n formatter replacement causes loss of embedded lan

03-01-2013, 12:07 AM
If I replace a formatter on either a 4250n or 4350n, even doing the wait 5 minutes... on/off wait 5 minutes,
I still lose the ethernet...
Is there a way to replace the formatter safely?

I also had a 4350n that I replaced the DC Cont board with a 4250 DC board and the machine reverted to a 4250!

Wazzup with that?


03-01-2013, 12:38 PM
If I replace a formatter on either a 4250n or 4350n, even doing the wait 5 minutes... on/off wait 5 minutes,
I still lose the ethernet...
Is there a way to replace the formatter safely?

I also had a 4350n that I replaced the DC Cont board with a 4250 DC board and the machine reverted to a 4250!

Wazzup with that?


Buy your refurbished formatters from a different place :-) It sounds like whoever is selling these formatters to you has previously installed them on a non-network model printer, which kills the Ethernet capability of the formatter. We sell formatters at PrinterTechs (866-352-7108) As far as downgrading from a 4350 to a 4250, that happens when you order a 4350 formatter and the seller pulls boards from a 4250 because "it's the same board". A good tech company will match the exact model you're installing the formatter in before shipping it out. Brand new formatters are generic so they can easily be installed in any machine, but for refurbished/used the seller should make it easy on you by pulling the used part from the exact model you're installing in so you don't risk the headache of losing the personality of the machine.