View Full Version : Lazerjet startup problem

01-08-2012, 12:56 PM
Turned on computer and printer yesterday. Screen on printer stayed dark. Printer made all of the normal "start up" sounds and after 10 seconds or so it shut off. I tried to start it up several more times with the same result. I checked (unplugged and plugged) computer cable and power cables with same results. Once, and only once, the screen lit briefly and showed an error code 53.10.3. Several more attempts to no avail. Looked for authorized repair center in Pittsburgh area. Google didn't turn up any. I tried to start it up one last time and it started as it should. It worked all day flawlessly. I left it turned on overnight, afraid to shut it off.
What is my next step? I just installed full maintence kit (genuine HP) several weeks ago and the printer worked perfectly until now. Anyone know what this error code means and if it is fatal or not?
Thanks in advance.

01-08-2012, 11:04 PM
The memory DIMM in slot 1 failed the memory test.
It would help to know which printer model you have.

01-20-2012, 02:38 PM
Thanks redcow. I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner, computer crashed. Another story. The model I have is the 4200 (sorry, I thought I included that) I did buy another memory card but did not install yet.(128K) When I do, do I replace the old card with the new one in slot 1 or put it in another slot? Do I pull out the original card or just move it to another slot? Thanks for your help.


01-21-2012, 12:37 AM
Take the one out of slot 2. Slot 1 is the firmware.
Put the replacement in slot 2 and power up. If it works
toss the one that you removed.

01-22-2012, 04:00 PM
Printed out configuration page. showed DIMM slot 1 side 1 :8 MB Flash
side2 48MB SDRAM
DIMM slot 2 Empty

Dimm slot 3 Empty
DIMM slot 4 Empty
E10 1: empty
E10 2: Empty

Found the 4 horizonal card slots and one larger vertical one. We left card in top slot( slot 1?) and plugged new card in one beneath it. turned printer on and received error code 00: 10.03 Thinking slot 1(Vertical slot) must be firmware slot, we removed card from top horizonal slot and replaced with new card.
That resulted in a dark screen. We then plugged original card back in top slot and new card in each of the remaining open slots - each time resulting in a dark screen. lastly we put new card in top hor. slot and original card in slot beneath it. still dark.

We then pulled new card out of printer, leaving card in top hor. slot. (like we found it.) Printer still makes normal start up sounds as before, with a dark screen.
Sorry for the drawn out post, I wanted to give as much info as possible.

Could new card be defective?
The new card was 128K. Does that matter?
Is top hor. slot the firmware and not the larger vert. slot?
Thanks again for all your imput.

01-22-2012, 04:55 PM
After looking at 2 different websites, each shows a picture of the memory card that looks different than the one I received. The pictures show a card with 4 black rectangles running the narrow width of card. The one I received has 2 rectangles running long ways on the card. The bill of sale correctly says for HP printer 4200 I'm thinking the correct part # sticker was placed on wrong part?
I will call tomorrow to confirm.

01-23-2012, 01:01 PM
Yes, top horizontal slot (1 out of 4) is the correct slot for firmware DIMM. I would make sure the DIMM is COMPLETELY seated, as they're sensitive, and also blow/clean out the slots if it's dusty / corroded in there.

There are a couple different firmware DIMM's that will work for that model, so just because it doesn't look identical doesn't necessarily mean your vendor sent you the wrong one. Look for a part# on the DIMM like Q2453AF or similar part#, you can Google it or post the part# here to see if it the DIMM you have will work for that model.

Assuming they sent you a functional DIMM, it can also be a formatter failure. (Formatter is the actual board where the chips plug into.)

We sell both DIMMS & formatter boards at PrinterTechs, 866-352-7108 if you need us.