View Full Version : Laserjet 3050 - No Power - Desperate

08-08-2011, 01:11 PM
I have an HP LJ 3050 with no power. I replaced the power supply... still nothing. I got a used machine, and swapped formatters. Still nothing. Replaced scan assembly. Then engine control board. Then laser unit. Still no power.

Then I put both printers back together. Now I have no power going to either of them.

ANY ideas?

08-08-2011, 06:49 PM
Swapping parts from a good printer into a bad printer and the bad printer is still bad.
Not only that but the good printer decided to join the bad printer and now it's bad.

Possibly the original bad printer had one bad part which also took out a 2nd part.
You put parts from good printer into bad printer. Possibly, the original bad part destroyed one of the good parts and now you have two heavy paper weights.

There is a moral in here somewhere just waiting to get out.

08-09-2011, 11:16 AM
I guess there is somewhere. Maybe discourage all repairs once a printer has blown a board. At least the 3050's anyway.
