View Full Version : HP 8000 control panel

04-12-2011, 02:31 PM
Issue started with 79.00FE error then went to a 53.11.03 error. Now all I am getting is a screen with all character is black across the control panel screen. This started after I tried to re seat the memory.

04-12-2011, 06:05 PM
Why did you reseat the memory? Sounds like you made the connection worse. REmove memory again, blow the slot out with canned air, then wipe the connector edge of the memory with alchohol on a paper towel. Reseat again and see what happens.

If you removed the entire formatter board to do this, your connections on the formatter itself could be dirty as well.

04-13-2011, 10:10 AM
It's all good again. I removed the formatter and jet direct cards and used the canned air to clean the area out. The initial issue was smearing on the paper on both sides of paper. We have ordered replacement toner cartridge and maintenance kit for this issue. We started getting the 79.00FE errors after doing the cleaning to see if the smearing would improve, I checked the error codes and was attempting to address these when things started going south. At the end of the day I had admitted defeat and was buttoning things up and turned the printer back on, guess what it came back to life and started working as if nothing was wrong. I still have the smearing issue but it is printing.