View Full Version : 5M 'paper jam' error after maintenance kit

11-13-2010, 12:31 AM
Hello to all - first posting on the forum...

Just finished installing the Printertechs 5M maintenance kit without trouble. Now I'm getting a 'paper jam' message when attempting to print. It doesn't even sound like any paper has been picked up yet. Is it possible that the rubber pickup rollers that I replaced are not aligned properly? They seem to rotate freely and I followed directions closely. I've checked the duplexer, inside the top where the toner is located, both paper trays, etc. and just don't see any jammed paper where I have in the past.

Any suggestions welcome...


11-13-2010, 02:41 PM
I'm looking for the same information. I just installed the kit in my LJ4 and have gotten repeated #13 Paper Jam messages.

11-13-2010, 11:35 PM
Try reseating your fuser ... there is a small black plastic fuser flag that often gets "stuck" on the first install and just needs to be toggled a bit to be free.

If that doesn't help, you can give PrinterTechs a call for tech support @ 866-352-7108.