View Full Version : Strange noise, now all documents fail.

09-18-2010, 10:31 PM
I was just sitting and reading some blogs around 5:00 pm, not touching the HP Deskjet F4480 printer here when I heard some kind of noise coming from the printer...some low clicks.. I noticed the sound and remarked to myself, "That's odd". Later when I tried to print a document, it failed. I called my tech savvy son and we went through everything we could think of. Even re-installed the whole printer system. Note: The printer was working fine until I downloaded RegWorks around 4pm (I subsequently un-installed RegWorks after my son told me too.) It was after I unistalled RegWorks, that I noticed the printer was not printing my documents. I had printed some recipes earlier in the day just fine.
The "Xerox"copy part of the printer works fine. Ink levels low but OK. There is a triangle with an exclamation mark by my printer icon when I go look at it in "Devices and Printers". At one point we turned off computer and printer then turned them on again. Still same problem. I hit Print, I hit Ok...then silence. I go check my printer status and it says Error. Please help. Thank you.~Joanie PS Do you think installing and uninstalling RegWorks is the cause?

Big Al
09-21-2010, 01:42 PM
Try deleting the printer driver from the computer. Reboot, then reload the drivers. If you have the CD that came with it then that driver will probably work fine. If you do not have the CD then get your son to download the driver. Then reboot the computer and try it again. You might also try it from another desktop or laptop and also try another USB cable. If this unit has a NIC then pull it and try it from the USB cable. Sometimes a bad NIC can hang up the printing process. Also check to see if the computer has picked up a second printer icon for this unit. It sounds like the printer section is OK you just cannot get to it. Is this unit under warranty? If not then it will probably cost more to fix it than to buy a new one.
Sorry, not familiar with RegWorks. If you are flying a small airplane and you reach into the back seat for a map and the engine quits, immediately throw the map into the back seat!

Please let us know what you find.
