View Full Version : Replacing the Laser Scanner in 5100tn

07-06-2010, 08:59 AM

New poster here. We have a HP LJ 5100tn in our office that started giving an error this morning. The error was a 57.1 which states that it is a temporary printer error and to cycle power to the printer. It also mentions that if the problem is persistent to contact an authorized dealer.

From my research it looks like this is primarily linked to the printer scanner. In our case the part number is RG5-7041.

My question is this: how hard is it to replace this part? I can find refurbished replacements online for anywhere from $65.00 all the way to $235.00 new from HP. It would be a whole lot cheaper to do that than to buy a new printer.

But if it is difficult to replace and will risk causing further damage to the printer then it may not be worth the effort to dig into the printer.

Thanks for reading this post.


07-06-2010, 11:49 AM
There is some minor risk involved with replacing the scanner, but not a huge risk. It is a fairly simple procedure. If you order it from us, we can include the pertinent sections of the service manual to help you out.

07-06-2010, 12:12 PM
Ok, thank you for the information. I didn't think it'd be too difficult but thought I'd check first before proudly boasting "yes! we can do that with no risk at all!" to upper management. :D

We are waiting on approval from our GM before ordering. Hopefully we will get that today and order from you guys.

Thanks again!


07-08-2010, 06:51 PM
Pretty simple. Take off the top cover and its right there

07-09-2010, 08:07 AM
Before you go spending money on a laser scanner check the sevice manual to see what the erorr indicates, 57.1 is a Printer fan error.