View Full Version : Paperjam Laserjet 4P

03-14-2005, 05:46 AM
Hi, after many years of using HP printers without problems I'm stuck with a piece of paper in the fuserunit that I can't remove.
How do you disassemble a model 4P? The top cover will not come off.

Thanks, Peter

03-14-2005, 06:57 PM
Open top cover-4 screws. Remove tray 2-Top rt.corner in printer front is a metal strip with a screw. Inside- remove toner - On left is a small screw in a metal tab. Remove the dimm cover. UNPLUG control panel cable from formatter
Open rear door, lift cover by pulling the corners out. :cool:

03-26-2005, 07:12 AM
Sounds like a gear on the fuser unit has broke due to use?

replace the fuser unit's gears.

04-29-2005, 03:32 AM
Thanks Michael, it worked.
The fuserunit is ok.
