View Full Version : CLJ2840 59.C0 error

03-17-2010, 01:04 PM
This seems to be a 59.0192 error which is the developing motor.
I am getting a problem with the motor next to the fan on left side. The gear it drives has a tab on it, to be pointed down installing the carousel assy., but the motor winds it up, and then jams up. My question: does that motor go two ways? If so, is it a fault of the motor or the DC cont.? Have replaced all motors and DC cont. RE-seat the carousel and still this issue.
thanks for any ideas, MichaelTech

03-23-2010, 05:44 PM
Turns out the disengagement drive was out of sync, and needed to be started with the motor hanging out. The tab on the gear wanted to rotate into place. Viola!
Then it cycled up correctly and is done!:cool: