View Full Version : HP LJ5Si 79 Service(0142) Error

02-20-2005, 05:20 AM
Configuration: HP 5Si
DIMM 1 - PostScript module
DIMM 2-4 - 32MB RAM each (96MB Total)
Duplexer Installed

When printing in PostScript Mode using Duplexer, the following error appears after a couple of pages:
79 SERVICE (0142)
TRAP: 0D Adr: 007D1588

When printing in non-duplex mode and using postscript, printer does the job continuously.

When printing in duplex mode and using PCL, printer runs continuously as well.

The error only occurs when printing in duplex and postscript.

02-25-2005, 01:07 PM
Your P\S chip could be faulty.OR,
Remove the DIMM's one at a time and send a job.
If you are HP certified, give the the secondary code to them, but I'd bet on a DIMM being bad. The sub code is a memory address.

02-17-2006, 10:05 AM
I was receiving this same error with my HP LaserJet 5Si with similar circumstances. It was only occurring on some jobs in Duplex Mode. I found a way to fix it for my jobs was to change the Media Type specified to None. I was specifying PrePunched and Plain Media, but as soon as I changed the Media Type to None the job prints fine every time, and I haven't had any trouble with any other jobs.