View Full Version : HP 2200DTN is making loud, whiny noise

05-14-2009, 12:06 AM
I have an HP 2200DTN that is all toner over it. When I try to print, there is a loud, whiny, noise in the upper back portion and will not print. Could this be the fuser making that noise? What is the best way to clean the whole machine? DO I vacuum it out or can I blow it out with compressed air? Any ideas, please?

05-14-2009, 07:37 AM
A weakness with the 2200 is the laser scanner. If it is a high pitched sound or sounds like an airplane taking off, its probably your problem. The scanner has a motor that turns the mirror that bounces the laser into the cartridge. The mirror shaft gets gunked up or the motor goes bad. Easiest thing to do is just to replace it.

If you are mechanically inclined and confident you could change it yourself. The part number is RG5-5591 and you can usually buy it on exchange and return the "core" (bad part) for a lower price. Its fairly easy to replace on the 2200. Getting the top cover off is the hardest part (4 screws) then its a couple of connectors to plug in and 4 screws that secure the scanner.

Printer techs I'm sure sells them. Their quality is real good even on their refurbished ones. Or if you're on the east coast, I could get you one. Send a PM to me or you can obtain by other method. :)