View Full Version : HP 3500 has 13.20 error

01-06-2009, 06:21 PM
hello everyone, this one stumped me earlier today. i was working on a color laserjet 3500 and the customer told me some paper got stuck in it and when she tried to remove the paper a large chunk of it tore off inside the printer and she couldnt find it. i start digging around and i cant find any paper myself..... took the cartridges out, the ETB, the fuser, looked everywhere i could think of. not only was this going on but it is stuck in a 13.20 error.I power cycle it and the error shows right up after it attempts to clear the paper path so i'm assuming where ever this paper is it's sitting on a sensor. i looked in the event log and noticed a 54.32 error as the last recorded error, so i tried to print a engine test page like the service manual says but the constant 13.20 error is preventing this. so i look at the paper path sensors and sensors F and K are being tripped( reading 1's while the rest say 0) and those belong to PS(4)registration paper sensor and PS(5)media sensor iirc. now i havnt had a chance to really take this thing apart but judging by the size of the chunk of paper the customer told me about i should be able to see the paper with out doing any major disassembly. so my question is, are these sensors bad, DC controller freaking out?? i'd like to get some insight from the pro's here before i blindly put parts in this thing. any help would be greatly appreciated and sorry for any mispelling/bad grammer.


found the paper..... =( got on Hp's web site forums and found a link to this
hope this helps someone else in the future.
