View Full Version : HP LJ 1160 Toner Light Flashing

12-17-2008, 10:54 AM
I have a HP LaserJet 1160 and the toner light flashes all the time. It cycles through the startup and looks like it will go to ready status, then the toner light starts flashing as if there is no toner in the printer, but there is toner in the printer. I have completely tore the printer apart and didn't find anything that I could see wrong with it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

12-17-2008, 11:56 AM
I just emailed you a page with a possible solution

12-17-2008, 02:06 PM
Check the cartridge guide in the interior of the printer frame. Especially the right side. There are a series of guides that should line up and be flush with each other. If they dont, the cartridge wont go in all the way and you'll get the error. These guides can be replaced.

Redcow, if you email the solution, it defeats the purpose of the forum. Posting here is so everyone can learn. fyi :)

12-18-2008, 12:53 AM
You're rite, sorry.
Here's what I sent to Toasted

LJ1160 & LJ1320 with Toner Cartridge LED Blinking

Problem : Toner Cartridge LED Blinking and PTN is not documented in the Service Manual:

Issue: a broken Toner Cartridge(TC)Left Guide

Solution : Replace TC Left Guide(RC1-3539-000CN)
