View Full Version : Epson R360 bloodred

10-29-2008, 07:07 AM
HI Everyone,

I'd really appreciate any of your thoughts on the following...I just bought a used printer from Amazon Marketplace (don't think it's actually been used to print -was just on store display) - I'm worried it might actually be faulty and that I might have to send it back.

I wonder if any of you have any suggestions about how to correct a terrible bleached 'reddening' of any images I print using the Epson R360. I've tried both my iMac and PC Laptop but infortunately received the same 'red' results.

On the colour wheel on the test page print out via both iMac and PC I'm seeing the same 'reddening' throughout the other colours on the wheel.

I've gone into 'advanced' settings and used the advanced control controls sliders to try to remove the red completely but it remains. Actually, I've 'faded down' all of the colours at one point but still received the totally awful red effect. It doesn't diminish at all - remains as bleached, bold and red as ever.

I've downloaded the all latest R360 printer drivers from the Epson website but still get the reddening.

I've come across the following info which doesn't specifically address the reddening - but it's not worked for me (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=5862672)

Anyone aware of any specific settings I should tick / untick so as to avoid this reddening?

Or...have I got a faulty printer do you think?

Again, any suggestions truly appreciated.

All the best


11-06-2008, 02:08 PM
Hi Everyone,

RE: Computer - Type Desktop
Operating system - Mac OS X - Intel
OS version or service pack (ex: SP2) - MAC OS X Version 10.5.5
Internet connection - Cable

This may be a known issue with the Epson Stylus Photo R360 which has left me tearing my hair out.

I wonder if any of you have any suggestions about how to correct a terrible bleached 'reddening' of any images I print on DVD's using the Epson R360?

I've downloaded the all latest R360 printer drivers from the Epson website (properly uninstalled/reinstalled) and cleaned print heads but still get the reddening.

By selecting the Custom Colour PGPS option and turning colour management off I am able to print with okay colour onto A4 (albeit with a slight blue colour cast).

However, when I try this same method to print onto DVD's I am getting a red colourcast (heavy magenta). Any suggestions about how I can solve this please?

It appears this may be a known issue between Mac OSx and Epson, as per below. I am merely inputting JPEG images into "Epson PrintCD" but am getting the terrible magenta cast. Should I use a program such as 'Colourburst' maybe? Am totally bewildered about how to solve this.

Photoshop + Epson + OS X 10.4.6 10.4.7 10.4.8 10.4.9 has known printing problems, specifically:
• Posterized posterization in reds red skintones skin tones.
• Prints dark darker than monitor.
• Magenta cast green cast (this may or not be related to the bug, but has generally been associated to double colormanaging management).

When you choose Photoshop Manages Color (Photoshop CS3) or Let Photoshop Determine Colors (Photoshop CS2) in the Print dialog box and correctly disable Color Management in the printer, the Epson Stylus printer drivers ignore the profile information and double color profiles. This results in over saturated images or images with a color cast.
To avoid this issue, select the option to let the printer manage colors.*

Any suggestions truly appreciated.

All the best
