View Full Version : pcl xl error

10-13-2008, 11:01 AM
We have Hp LaserJet 4350 Printer it working fine. But , when try to give print as number of copies it is print only one copy after that give print page with one error message i will mention below that error message please verify it and help me on this issue.

PCL XL Error
Subsystem : KERNEL
Error : Illegal Operator Sequance
Operator : EndChar
Position : 245


10-13-2008, 03:46 PM
I assume you have rebooted the computer...also disconnected the printer cable, rebooted printer, and reconnected cable ...

First, try downloading & installing a different driver from HP's web site ...
If you're not familiar with installing drivers there is a tutorial here:

Second, If you're using this printer on a network, your network card could be failing ...