View Full Version : LaserJet 4MV (C3142A)

09-19-2008, 12:55 AM
"Paper Guide Plate Cont. Assembly" (RG5-2248-030)
The "Paper Guide Plate" (RF5-0299) in the front at the bottom, the first place paper goes into the printer, one day, started moving up and down making a banging noise as soon as the roller and gear parts inside the printer start to rotate.
This moving up and down making a banging noise continues as long as rollers and gears are rotating.
I looked down inside with the inside front door open but I cant tell if anything looks broken.
(1) What happened?
(2) Is it broken?
(3) WHAT needs to be replaced?
(4) WHERE do I get the part?
(5) HOW do I install It?
Thanks. :confused:

09-19-2008, 09:38 AM
There are a couple of things that make the paper guide plate move up and down.

1. Gears and cams of mp roller asm (RG5-2247)
2. Intermediate plate pressurization solenoid (RH7-5059)
3. Front cover connect PCB (RG5-0231)

I've had the solenoid go bad. Never had this problem with the connect pcb (at least not for that problem), but its what is next from the solenoid. Check gears and cams 1st for damage.

Hope this helps

09-19-2008, 04:29 PM
If the P/U roller shaft has broken mounts, it could do this.
Removing the plate is two black screws, lift and pull.
The shaft sits there and the bushings are at the ends.
The solonoid may have slipped off it's metal arm that keeps it from rotating.
It is on the right/front, remove the black plastic cable guide, and one screw for the holder. The solonoid has a prong on it held by the metal holder.