View Full Version : USB problems

05-23-2008, 10:21 PM
I have recently bought two different printers, one an HP and the other an Epson, and could not get either to work on my computer. Both of them would cause my computer to hang up when I turned them on. Both were attached to the computer via USB. I have several other devices that are hooked to the usb ports on my computer, and they all work fine, but they are older devices. Can anyone tell me what this could possibly be? I tried uninstalling the USB root hubs, then rebooting and plugging the devices back in, but the printer still causes the computer to hang or freeze. I took the HP home and it worked fine, but the computer at home is new and the computer I am having problems with is older. Could this be a bios problem?
I would appreciate and advice or ideas.

05-24-2008, 01:20 AM
What model printers?
Are you running USB 2.0 on your older PC.
Try unplugging all USB devices except one of the printers.

05-26-2008, 01:05 PM
Yep, all the USB drivers are up to date. My computer is a pentium 4, I gig ram, 2.0gig, but the bios have not been updated at any time since I bought it four years ago. And both the printers are brand new, just recently purchased from Tiger Direct.

05-27-2008, 01:15 AM
Lets try this again, slower this time

What model printers?
Are you running USB 2.0 on your older PC.
Try unplugging all USB devices except one of the printers.

05-27-2008, 10:16 AM
I returned the HP. THe Model I am trying to install now is the Epson Stylus Photo RX595.
I am running USB 2.0 on the computer I am trying to install on.
I tried unplugging everything except the Epson printer,then rebooting, but it wont boot with it plugged into the USB port.
Someone else mentioned to me that this could be a power supply problem.
My power supply is 300watts.
Thanks for your help.

05-27-2008, 03:55 PM
Check the driver, ports, see if it is on a DOT4 instead of USB.

05-27-2008, 07:26 PM
It shouldn't be a power supply problem because the printer supplies its own power.

05-28-2008, 04:01 PM
Im thinking you hit the nail on the head with the dot4.
My computer does not have dot4 printing support, and apparently the multi function type printers use that type of port, or at least thats what I was able to find doing a search.
That would explain the locking up when I try and plug the printer in.
Thanks for your help, and if you have any further advice, Id appreciate it.
Youve been very helpful.

05-29-2008, 11:24 AM
Google DOT4 Support, and you can download the files you need.
Win 2000, and XP both should have this support. Use the CD for the install, but wait untill the windows wizard starts, and close it. then start the CD.
If the wizard does not start, it does not see the printer.
Run Add Remove Programs to get the function.

05-30-2008, 07:08 PM
Well, the printer is still not working with my computer. I think Ive tried about everything that can be tried. Here are a few:
Uninstalling and re-installing the printer software
Changing the USB cable
Uninstalling the USB controllers and root hubs
Unplugging the other USB devices and leaving only the printer plugged in(in case of conflict)
Contacting Epson support(pointless)
Contacting Microsoft (no answer yet after three days)
Downloading printer drivers from epson, although the printer driver I had was the newest one
Installing manually the dot4 sys. files from the xp drivers file

I tried to download the dot4 printer support, but no matter what link I use, it just takes me back to microsoft windows updater.

A couple times, the printer worked after installing the software, then plugging in the USB cable when asked, but after rebooting, the computer hangs and will not completely boot up with the printer on. If I turn it on after rebooting, it slows the system down to a virtual crawl, but not completely frozen up.
When hitting ctrl, alt, delete, it shows the cpu usage at 100% and stays there.
All my other USB devices work fine, but none of them are multi function like this Epson595 I am trying to install.
Im at the point of giving up right now, as I have been fooling with this for two weeks on and off. I need a multi function device like this, but it would be pointless to return this one and get another, as it wouldnt work either.
Thanks again for the help,and if you have anything else I can try, please let me know.

05-31-2008, 01:23 AM
Just a thought, you have an older computer(your words), have you updated the BIOS?

06-01-2008, 02:43 PM
No, but I contacted the company who made the bios for my compuer, American Megatrends. I got a response, but had to send him more info, and I havent heard back from him yet.

06-09-2008, 04:26 PM
Wanted to come back and update on my problem. I updated the bios for my motherboard, still the problem is there. I now have absolutely no idea what is going on. After upgrading the bios, I uninstalled the printer software,and reinstalled it. When it comes to the part of the installation where you plug in the printer via usb, I do, but it doesnt recognize it, and immediately the system slows down to a crawl. I think maybe it might be time for a new computer, although this one has been very good until now.

06-12-2008, 09:16 AM
If your system slows, then it is the printer that is the problem. Do return it as faulty, and try another. If using a power strip, make sure it is a good one, or plug straight into wall socket.