View Full Version : poor photo prints from lexmark x4850

05-02-2008, 09:36 AM
I have a new Lexmark X4850. However every time I try to print a photo on glossy paper the print quality is terrible, with visible lines across the page. I have cleaned the print cartridges several times but to no avail.

I am using photoshop elements to print from and when I select to print the lexmark dialogue box comes up. I select preferences, then "quality based on paper type" and choose the photo type and glossy paper. I am using lexmark premium glossy photo paper and genuine lexmark print cartridges. But each time the photo prints are poor.

I have tried the prints on my old HP deskjet 5150 and they work fine.

Can anyone advise me what else I can do to make the photo prints from the Lexmark decent?

05-03-2008, 11:21 AM
You could buy new cartridges and print again, or contact Lexmark since it is a new printer, or take it back to the store for exchange or money back since it is a new printer.

Since you asked, I would go to point 3. Have the techs at the store print using your paper and, if you can, your pictures. Then exchange it for another when it fails again.