View Full Version : 4si Printing almost black

04-24-2008, 11:37 PM
Hi, we have a 4si to use as a backup printer but it prints everything almost black, you can still read all text but it seems to be printing the whole page a faint black. I have cleaned all the toner out from inside and put a brand new cartridge in to no avail. Is this fixable and is it worth it on a printer this old? Everything else seems to work fine. Thankyou, Josh.

04-25-2008, 02:09 PM
first - try a half page print to rule out the fuser asm.

second - check HVPS contacts in the printer that make contact with cartridge.

third - issue is with HVPS

As to whether to repair or not, that is a decision to make. 4si's are workhorse printers that take a beating in hostile environment areas and keep working. I've had many clients refuse to replace them. Others dont like them because they are old, slow and very large. You have to weigh the pros and cons.

Note: if the pages are pitch black its probably laser scanner, but you put that you can read some print which should rule that out. :)

04-27-2008, 10:32 PM
If at all practical, I would replace with a newer model...that model is becoming a "dinosaur" for many and hard to find parts & support for...
Consider LaserJet 8150 as a decent replacement...

04-30-2008, 09:30 PM
Thanks for your help guys, we decided to scrap the unit, shame as we have 8 or so new toners.:o