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View Full Version : Help selecting a printer to print on 2 types of paper...

04-17-2008, 09:58 AM
I have been looking for a printer to do the following:

Print a document anywhere from 1-5 pages long. I would like to print 2 copies, and have them collated. Here is the catch... I want the original on white paper, and the collated copy on yellow paper. (i.e. 1w, 1y, 2w, 2y, ... 5w, 5y)


My software can make a copy and collate for me and send a 2-10 page document (1-5 copied and collated) to the printer. From this point I would like to print the odd pages 1, 3.....9 on white paper, and the even pages 2, 4....10 on yellow paper. Same result (i.e. 1w, 1y, 2w, 2y, ... 5w, 5y).

Keep in mind this is currently done with a dot matrix printer and special paper. I hate it, but it works....

I thought this sounded easy, but every print driver that I have looked at will only print in book format (i.e. first page tray one, second page tray two, body pages tray one, final page tray two). This actually works for 1-2 page documents, but 3 or more, no luck. I have talked with Canon technical support, and they said it was impossible. I talked with HP technical support, and in broken english they suggested HP 2015DN with 2 trays. I checked this printer out locally, and am pretty sure it won't do what I need. Am I destined to pay $5,000 for a copier to replace my current dot matrix (not gonna happen), or can I do this for under $1000. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


04-17-2008, 12:35 PM
I did a search on google using the terms "ncr paper printer driver replacement" as I used to work with NCR (No carbon required) paper a loooong time ago when I was, erm... as young as I am now ;)

Anyways... this popped up:


Look for the "Multi-Part-Forms?" under "Applications" and I think you've found more or less what you're looking for.

However just as a word of caution before you get excited it looks like some or all of the tech was bought out by another company which has a truly awful website and may be dead too..

The term "towerfeed" might prompt something to knock loose from HP sales though...

... oh and apparently "tower tray" or "towertray" might also be good too...

04-21-2008, 08:17 AM
You helped me a bunch. I did some looking, and found a solution that we origninally joked about. Our first idea was pre-collated paper. I didn't think people made it, but lookie what I found... multi-part collated, colored laser paper. It is less money than our current multi-part paper, and we can use our existing laser printer. Thanks again.



04-21-2008, 09:51 AM
You helped me a bunch. I did some looking, and found a solution that we origninally joked about. Our first idea was pre-collated paper. I didn't think people made it, but lookie what I found... multi-part collated, colored laser paper. It is less money than our current multi-part paper, and we can use our existing laser printer. Thanks again.



You're welcome.. and thanks for sharing that little nugget too... You learn something every day :)