View Full Version : LJ 8100 Firmware upgrade

03-28-2008, 10:33 AM
I have an LJ 8100N in the other building that they need to install a hard drive in.
I was told that the "security " needs to be set for printing. I was told that the client that prints out will ned to enter in a code, where I do not know, to print their job. So this is the first issue I need help with.

Here is the other::

I had a ticket opened for me to upgrade the firmware on the 8100 above. In the ticket it was mentioned that "someone" spoke to HP and they said the firmware needs to be upgraded for the HD install and security. I downloaded web jetadmin v10. I can connect to all the LJ8100s here and in the other building. I printed a config page on the 8100 here and it says the firmware is from 19990526 and is M85 46.

So how do I do the firmware upgrade ? I tried using web jetadmin, says firmware is up to date, kind of doubt that since the firmware is 9 years old.

03-28-2008, 10:44 AM
In WJ Admin, you may have not noticed that you can select either printer or JD card update. If your printers config page shows the correct version, go ahead and do the update anyway. Then, do a NVRAM init to sync the DC and formatter.
As for the security issue, WJ Admin should allow you to administer any user connectivity. When initializing the HD, The security log-in ahould be given to the user.

03-28-2008, 10:51 AM
Yes I selected the ip address of the printer in question, then on the right I clicked up date firmware where it asked the printer or the JD card, I selected the printer. I then went to a screen that I think was supposed to have the firmware, it was blank,anywasy I clicked update firmware and it came back that the firmware was already current. In jet web admin In the directory tree i went down to I think it was firmware and possibly download or something like that. I got the error that jetweb admin could not connect to hp.com. Could be where I am it is high security.:confused: