Fast Response Service
03-11-2008, 01:25 AM
have a hp 4100 in the shop customer brought in, jams an inch or 2 out of the fuser, 13xx error, completes the job you send to it via computer or internal, pcl fonts pages ect... after the last page prints theres always 1 more sheet of paper that feeds through and jams right in the fuser sticks out around an inch or so. tried new oem Maint kit, pca board in the cassette, niew paper feed assy, new reg assy, new reg sensors, engine control board, formatter, cant seem to find the problem?? blew everything out with an air compressor so everything is super clean, removed the foam off the solonoid on the cassette base. I tried feeding a stack of paper through multi-pass and it works fine, no errors, job completes with no blank page afterwards. its only when I use the cassette, even tried another cassette with same results.also have done a cold reset
has anyone else had an issue like this? I would sure like to get this thing off my workbench
has anyone else had an issue like this? I would sure like to get this thing off my workbench