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01-28-2008, 10:46 AM
Website Disclaimer:

Terms of Use: Your use of this web site and forum (the “Web Site”) is subject to the following terms and conditions of use (the “Terms”). You agree to the Terms by accessing this Web Site or accepting the information from the Web Site. Please review the following terms carefully. If you do not agree to these Terms, you should not review information or access this site. The information and features included in the Web Site have been compiled from a variety of sources and are subject to change at any time without notice. The Web Site and all information it contains are provided “AS IS.” By using this Web Site, you assume the risk that the information on this Web Site may be incomplete, inaccurate, out of date, or may not meet your needs and requirements.

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Forum Rules:
1. General Rules:

§Please be friendly and constructive.
§Please avoid self-promotion, denigration, and of course NO SPAM, See Section 2 and 3.
§No outbound links or URL’s unless moderators approve. See Section 6.
§No posting or linking to copyrighted materials. See Section 6.
§Violators may be banned at the discretion of moderators. See Section 5.

2. Solicitations: Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are forbidden on this Web Site.

3. Harassment: Although the administrators and moderators of the Web Site will attempt to keep all objectionable messages (and usernames) off this forum, it is impossible to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author. The owner of the Web Site will not be held responsible for the content of any message. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are invasive of privacy, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise in violation of any laws.

4. No Warranty of Information/Breaches of Security: The Web Site also does not warrant the usefulness, accuracy or completeness of any opinion, message or information posted herein. It is impossible for the owner of this Web Site to confirm the validity of all posts. Accordingly, neither the Web Site nor its owner is responsible for the contents of any message, and the posted messages express the views of its author alone, and not necessarily the views of this Web Site or its owner. You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages, opinions, information and embedded links. By providing you with the ability to distribute your content, the Web Site is acting as a passive conduit for such distribution. The Internet may be subject to breaches of security, and the Web Site assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the Web Site or your downloading of any materials from the Web Site.

5. Rights of Editing: The owner of the Web Site reserves the right to remove, edit, relocate or delete any message or thread for any reason. Additionally, the Web Site reserves the right to ban (whether permanently or temporarily) a member for any reason. Due to the mechanics and logistics involved in editing this site or asserting sanctions, the Web Site reserves the right to undertake such tasks within a reasonable time frame conducive to the Web Master.

6. Embedded Links/Copyright: Messages posted on the Web Site may include links to other Internet sites ONLY UPON PRIOR WRITTEN MODERATOR APPROVAL. The Web Site does not endorse any sites or the accuracy of the content within such sites. The posting or linking to copyrighted materials is absolutely prohibited. You agree to indemnify the Web Site for any damages incurred by your unauthorized posting or linking to copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise protected intellectual property, including the Web Site’s (and/or its owners’) actual damages, costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, as further discussed in Section 9 below. If you are the owner of any alleged copy written or protected materials posted on this Web Site and request that it be removed, please notify an administrator or moderator of this Web Site immediately.

7. Consent of Use of Posted Information: By posting on the Web Site, you grant the Web Site a royalty-free, nonexclusive license to display, modify, and preserve your content on our server. This provision does not apply to content for which the Web Site has entered into a separate license or purchase agreement.

8. IP Address/Anonymity: After each post, your unique IP address is recorded by this Web Site and your anonymity is compromised. If you are banned, this Web Site may in its discretion, notify your ISP. Additionally, the software used by this Web Site inserts a cookie (i.e., a text file containing bits of information such as your username and password), within your computer’s browser-cache. The software does not collect or send any other form of information to your computer. Your identity, such as email address, IP, and anything else used to identify you, is not and will not be sold or distributed to anyone. However, the owner of this Web Site reserves the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this Web Site.

9. Indemnification: By using this Web Site, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Web Site Creator from any liabilities, losses, claims, and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, resulting directly or indirectly to your violation of the Terms or use of the Web Site.

10. Legal Actions: By using this Web Site, you consent to the following legal terms which may affect your substantive rights:

§Venue/Choice of Law: you consent that any legal action or dispute arising from your use of this Web Site will be venued in the Circuit Court of Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin, with all issues subject to and resolved under Wisconsin law. You hereby waive any rights to protection under laws of any other nation, state or municipality.

§Costs of Collection/Attorneys’ Fees: in the event of any legal dispute which is in part or in whole, involving your use of this Web Site, as allowed by law and unless otherwise disallowed by law, you agree to pay us our costs in any action including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

§Waiver of Jury Trial: By using this Web Site, you agree to waive any and all rights to a jury trial.