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View Full Version : Which laser printer please? CONFUSED!

05-25-2007, 01:55 PM
Hi all,
What do I do?
I print about a modest 2500 pages per month and need a colour laser printer mostly for printing receipts.
They are simple text receipts with a small colour logo and header.

What do I currently have?
I currently use a HP deskjet 5740 and very happy with it.
I set it to draft quality and this is perfect for what I do. Very fast (I think)
18 pages/min Color draft

Why do I need colour laser?
Now I need a laser for two reasons, one is cost per page and the other is we post things out in mail and inkjets ink runs when wet apparently. We are required to have a laser for our postal service agreement. They wont accept anything else.

Why am I confused?
I am so so confused because every printer I think will be good or good price, I do a quick search for reviews and I cant seem to find a good review for any decent priced printer.... They either say too slow or too poor quality or cost too much... I cant seem to find a happy medium.. But even the 5740 I am very happy with has bad reviews.....?

What do I need?
I need speed. Warm up time doesnt matter but print speed does.
I preferably want something that will print colour pages fast on a draft mode if they have it on lasers? Do laser printers have draft mode?
90% of page is black.
I NEVER print photos or anything but need something half decent so receipts look fairly professional etc.
I would like a low cost to run printer also. I dont want a cheap printer only to find I have to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for ink very often. On draft mode with the inkjet, the ink lasts surprisingly long time.
Lastly, I run 3 networked pcs so would like something simple to operate.
Any ideas would be a great help.
P.S. I am in Australia but I think we get most printers here. We have a fax but I guess an all in one would be ok too at the right price.