View Full Version : LJ 4000 Fuser Sound and Toner Cartridge Sound

04-05-2007, 03:28 PM
Greetings all,

So now I have another LJ 4000 thats making some noises. The first of which is comming from the Fuser. I know its the fuser because if you swap the fuser out, the sounds stops. What happened was a paper jammed and it was pulled out the back ... in pieces. Now the printer makes a fluttering kind of sound which is amplified when a sheet of paper is fed throught the fuser.

I opened the fuser up to look for a shred of paper in there. I didn't find that, but I did notice that the fuser film (the orangy/red film) was a bit twisted on one end which resulted in some "hill" type ridges at that end. This is the first time I've looked at this and I'm assuming its supposed to be smooth all around. Is it safe to touch this film? Does anyone have any recomendations on how to smooth it back out and untwist it?

As for the toner sound what happened was that a user replaced their toner cartridge which resulted in toner spilling all over the inside of the printer. The pritner was printing all grey so I cleaned out the printer and stuck a different toner cartridge in. Now the newest cartidge is squeeking. I know its the cartridge squeeking because if i swap it out, the squeek stops. I'm guessing that toner got where it shouldn't be on the cartridge. Does anyone have any thoughts on stopping this noise?


04-06-2007, 12:26 AM
Sounds like you already diagnosed and fixed the problems.
Noisy fuser, replaced it....noise stopped.

Squeeky toner cartridge, replaced it....squeek stopped.

Fuser has to be rebuilt. Where I work we call it a "core" and send it back to the company that sent us the replacement for credit.
Where you work they might want you to repair it.

04-06-2007, 07:53 AM
You're right, I could very well remedy the problems by ordering new parts. The only thing is that I work for a non-profit organization and we really try to stretch our dollars

04-06-2007, 08:12 AM
My apologies, I mis-spoke. Its not the fuser film that has the problem, its the pressure roller. Aside from the noise, are there any ill-effects of using a pressure roller that has these "wrinkles" on it?