View Full Version : hp 7960 says no paper and paper jam when there isnt one!
01-29-2007, 08:19 PM
Hp 7960 Always says out of paper when it grabbed the paper already and paper is in spool of printer and the just before it prints on the paper it says out of paper then I select ok on the printer then a error message comes up and says paper jam (but there is no jam!) then I just hit ok on printer and it will spit the paper out then grabs another piece of paper and will print on it?????????? Im not sure why it just started doing this for a week now it never fails for the past week it will always do this before it will print on the paper. Any advice and help would be great Ive searched on the forum and did not see anyone having this problem.
Thanks So much!:confused:
01-30-2007, 02:04 AM
You say it feeds the paper, Before printing it says out of paper. You hit OK and the message 'paper jam' is displayed.
You get a 'paper jam' because there is a page still in the printer.
While the page is in the printer but before you OK it, can you pull it out from the back? Then hit OK.
After it "spits" the page out and grabs the next page to print, is it a one page document or multipage document that it finally prints. I'd like to know if it will print a 2 or more page document. Or feed, stop, jam, spit out, print one page and repeat the cycle.
01-30-2007, 12:56 PM
To answer the first question when I print it pulls the paper all the way up just like normal, then just before it prints it says out of paper "load paper then press ok" I tried what you said open the back and see it I can pull it out from the back. But I cant because the paper it fully around the roller ready to print.
the second is a single document I print and it always does this but I tried printing multiple pages and it will do it at first (the same process the error messages) after hitting ok then ok again it will spit out the first page and not print on it the will take the 2nd page and print all pages with no problem.
Also I tried printing single pages multiple times so the single documents would be in the pending and the same thing happened it would first start off with the error messages print on the 2nd page and then it would print all the single documents in pending with no problem. Weird huh???:confused:
01-30-2007, 01:02 PM
update .....ok I pulled the paper out of the back after it said "load paper then press ok" after I pulled it out I then hit ok and it still says "paper jam. clear the jam then press ok" even with no paper in the printer. I select ok again and it will say please wait... then grab the 2nd paper and print on it.
01-30-2007, 02:09 PM
another update...I just tried printing from the 4x6 tray and it did the same thing I set everything to 4x6 and printed a single 4x6 photo and it grabbed the 4x6 photo paper from the tray then said "out of paper" when hit ok then "paper jam" hit ok then spit out paper and grabbed 2nd 4x6 photo paper and printed on it!
01-31-2007, 11:59 AM
Open the cover.
You'll see 4 long rollers, above each roller is a thin rod.
If you follow me so far keep reading.
Go to the roller on the right. Look at the left side of it and follow it back. Right behind the chrome bar, is a flag for sensing paper. Try taking something thin and gently brush the flag to see if it is jammed. use a flashlight and be careful of the mylar timing belt.
02-01-2007, 01:03 AM
Open the cover.
You'll see 4 long rollers, above each roller is a thin rod.
If you follow me so far keep reading.
Go to the roller on the right. Look at the left side of it and follow it back. Right behind the chrome bar, is a flag for sensing paper. Try taking something thin and gently brush the flag to see if it is jammed. use a flashlight and be careful of the mylar timing belt.
I did as you said it was like a groove I didnt see a flag but there was a Really tiny black needle like with a small black rubber band and it rolls when I pushed it I also cleaned it with a q-tip. And the printer is doing the same thing still. should there be a flag sticking up?
02-04-2007, 01:55 AM
I don't think we are looking at the same thing.
Reading my previous description....right most section, long soft roller, above and behind it a thin horizontal bar, behind that is the carriage drive belt, lift it up gently, you'll see a cutout with a tiny 1/2 inch plastic rod at the back of the cutout. Hanging down and connected to that tiny piece of plastic is the flag.
You should be able to see it with a light.
Again be careful of the mylar timing belt.
That little flag should be free moving.
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