View Full Version : Laserjet 4000 cuts and crimps paper edge

12-11-2006, 05:04 PM
I have a Laserjet 4000 that when it prints from Tray 2, cuts and crimps the trailing 3 inches on one edge of the paper. Printing from other trays is okay and I swapped out trays, but each time it's only from Tray 2. I cleaned the pickup rollers, but the problem remains. Any ideas?

Thank you!

12-12-2006, 01:15 AM
this sounds like a paper skew, firstly make sure you have the media correctly inside the paper tray, next if that skews then insert the paper inside the tray 1 if that still skews, it can either be the paper feed assemly, registration assembly.

before you replace those clean them but dont remove the registration assembly which is under the toner cartridge between the transfer roller and tray 1 pick up assembly.

if paper feeds in straight then its the toner cartridge not sitting properly and earth spring at side of the printer needs replacement.

12-19-2006, 02:08 AM
Read his description again.
It's only tray 2 that skews and he swapped trays and it still fails.

Try replacing the pick up rollers (RB1-8957) and also the pickup coupler(RB1-8877). There is also the pickup guide ***'y(RG5-5277)

12-21-2006, 10:04 AM
Read his description again.
It's only tray 2 that skews and he swapped trays and it still fails.

Try replacing the pick up rollers (RB1-8957) and also the pickup coupler(RB1-8877). There is also the pickup guide ***'y(RG5-5277)

This is my 90th Post.

I have asked him to make sure that the media was correctly installed in the tray.

He could have the paper tray set wrong with the paper sizes before we start changing any parts is best to go by the simple things first.

Also if he has a dust cover at the back he can take that off to make sure its feeding into the printer straight.

If it still happends all means go by what Redcow says, because thats the part numbers for the parts that needs replacement along with the paper seporation rollers as well, all of the rollers at Tray 2 sounds faulty, if the paper does not feed straight in tray two, also the paper gudies could be set wrong that can also cause skewing.

01-06-2007, 04:18 AM
PCCTech....what fixed the problem? or is it not fixed?

At least be courteous enough to let us know what fixed the problem. One of us may encounter the same problem and you could save us some time and parts.

01-08-2007, 10:30 AM
Check the roller shaft on the offending tray. It can get bent, and create this problem.
Start a print, and listen for the paper to get to the registration. Lift open top cover, and see if paper is skewed. You should remove the registration and look for any pieces of paper that may cause the skewing. If other trays are ok, that will not be the case, as all paper goes through the paper feed, and the reg. It has to be the pick-up causing this.
As redcow says, check in and update, we all get smarter!:cool: