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View Full Version : Won't Delete From Queue

Captain Anthem
12-06-2006, 11:38 PM
Okay, hoping you guys here can help me...because I'm stuck...or my printer is at least.

It's a Canon i950, and it's been "deleting" a job in the queue for half a month. Kind of frustrating, not being able to print anything through there for so long.

I don't know what is causing it. There is no physical jam. I've tried to cancel all the print jobs...no good of course. Delete and add the printer? No dice. Unplug printer...no luck. Press cancel button...same.

I have no idea what is keeping it in that perpetual state of deletion. I really am hoping you guys can help.

Thanks, Captain Anthem

12-08-2006, 10:19 AM
It sounds like you may already have tried this,but its the only thing that you didn't clearly say you had done.On your computer,go to "start" then "settings" then to"printers" or "printers and faxes".Double click on the printer icon to open the print queue.Go to the printer tab and choose delete all jobs.Then click on the problem job to highlight it and go to documents and choose delete job.On some problem print jobs I've seen it take up to an hour to properly delete a job.Do not turn your computer off during this time unless the job deletes first.I know this sounds like overkill,but you say it absolutely will not delete the job,and this will give your computer its best chance to delete it at this point.I'm also a bit concerned that you say you've deleted the driver and the print job won't go away.A true uninstall of the driver should have deleted the print queue.

Captain Anthem
12-08-2006, 05:23 PM
It sounds like you may already have tried this,but its the only thing that you didn't clearly say you had done.On your computer,go to "start" then "settings" then to"printers" or "printers and faxes".Double click on the printer icon to open the print queue.Go to the printer tab and choose delete all jobs.Then click on the problem job to highlight it and go to documents and choose delete job.On some problem print jobs I've seen it take up to an hour to properly delete a job.Do not turn your computer off during this time unless the job deletes first.I know this sounds like overkill,but you say it absolutely will not delete the job,and this will give your computer its best chance to delete it at this point.I'm also a bit concerned that you say you've deleted the driver and the print job won't go away.A true uninstall of the driver should have deleted the print queue.

Well, when I deleted it it was through the printers and faxes ->delete. Is there a way to more thoroughly delete, uninstall the printer?

Oh, and it's actually a Dell 1100 laser monochrome, not the canon i950 i said earlier. If it makes a difference.

02-27-2007, 12:16 PM
just curious did you get this fixed?