View Full Version : HP 8150 no power issue.

Todd Klingaman
08-21-2006, 12:41 PM
I have a HP LJ 8150 which was giving a "50.1 FUSER ERROR". I swapped out the fuser to verify that it was not the fuser and determined it was the LVPS. I installed a refurb LVPS, and the unit completed a POST and printed 12 pages before completely dying and having no power at all. I assumed it was a faulty LVPS, so I installed a second HP OEM LVPS and the same thing happened. Any suggstions as to what it might be?

08-21-2006, 04:15 PM
?OEM Fuser? It probably is the AC power that is the real problem.
check wires for shorting on the frame. A runaway fuser would not create this problem.

Todd Klingaman
08-22-2006, 08:20 AM
The fuser is a remanfactured one, but I am sure a runaway fuser is not the issue. I am going to bring the unit in from the field and put it on the bench for examination. I am going to look for wire shorts.